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Mindful 2 Care 

Mindfulness and self-compassion for health & caring professionals

Workshops   Courses   Retreats   Supervision. 

Evidence based modalities

Personal/professional development

Grounded in clinical experience and  practice

What we do 

Supervision,  training and retreats for individuals and teams 

Artwork by Reina Cottier

We serve those that are looking for:

  • Stress reduction, wellbeing, sustainability and prevention of empathy fatigue in your work.

  • Personal and professional development.

  • Enhanced clinical efficacy and client outcomes.

  • Embodiment of what you are offering to others.

Being a health/caring professional comes with its own particular stresses and struggles, as well as the wonderful rewards of doing what we care about.

Dealing with under resourcing, self-employment or organisational difficulties, as well as the actual work of being in a caring, helping, educating role, can take its toll.

We are essentially the tools of our trade

We are often being exposed, sometimes frequently, to others pain and distress, as well as dealing with our own ups and downs of being human.

From an organisational and financial perspective it makes good sense to look after staff.

Mindful2Care goes beyond the usual self-care strategies, we are all familiar with. 

Artwork by Reina Cottier

Who we are

Kate Brandram-Adams is a registered mental health nurse (UK trained), registered MBSR/mindfulness teacher, certified yoga teacher and a DAAPANZ accredited clinical supervisor

Kate provides a unique combination of:

→ Mental health/addictions clinical experience of over 30 years with the understanding of the work, systems and stressors.

→ Personal practice of mindfulness, self-compassion and yoga to support her own clinical work and wellbeing. Including 1000’s of hours of teacher supported practice and multi day silent retreats.

→ In depth international training with over a decade of experience in using mindfulness based interventions, and self compassion modalities with others.

Professional Background

Kate has worked across the mental health sectors over the last 30 years;  in private practice, NGOs and DHB’s.  Specializing in addictions and coexisting disorders. 

She ran the North Canterbury adult AOD service for 8 years and developed the service Mindfulness North Canterbury in 2014, providing the international gold standard of mindfulness training Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) to North Canterbury and rural populations. 

Kate also specialises in trauma sensitive mindfulness and is a treatment and group provider for ACC 1SSC.

Personal Background

Kate lives in rural North Canterbury New Zealand , on a permaculture property. Shared with numerous rescue chickens, horses, cat, Sam the Labrador and Rob the husband. An introvert, who is happiest hanging out with animals and learning from nature. She finds joy in learning and studying, being in water, creating with vibrant colour, dancing, exploring contemplative practices, and growing organic food and herbs. 

Alongside permaculture and gentle sustainable ways to be part of the earth, Kate is inspired by “deep ecology work” of Joana Macy and her work with others is eco therapy influenced. 

Qualifications & Training

  • Registered Mental health Nurse (UK trained) 1996. (Registered in NZ since 1999).

  • Certified Addictions Nurse (USA) 2001.

  • 2 years of Naturopathy Training. Specialising in approaches for mental health and addiction recovery. Including nutrition and body-based modalities (2008) 

  • Professional trainings in ACT and DBT (from 2011)

  • Positive Neuroplasticity Training with Dr. Rick Hanson (from 2013) 

  • Intensive and ongoing professional training in clinical use of Mindfulness based interventions and specific training as MBSR teacher (from 2013)

  • Registered Mindfulness/ MBSR teacher with MTIANZ 

  • Intensive and ongoing training in Mindful Self compassion and compassion focused therapy  (Chris Germer, Kristin Neff, Paul Gilbert) from 2015

  • Certified Yoga Teacher YT200 (2017)

  • Training in trauma sensitive mindfulness with David Treleaven and others (from 2019)

  • Self-compassion for health care communities training (from 2020) 

  • Strengths based Clinical supervisor training/ accredited DAPAANZ clinical supervisor (2020). 

  • Trauma sensitive yoga training with TCTSY (2021). 

  • Heartmath (HRV) use for trauma training (2023).







Inter-professional/ clinical supervision/ mentoring based in mindfulness and self-compassion

Artwork by Reina Cottier

Inter-Professional Supervision and Mentoring

Kate supports others through gentle inquiry, curiosity, compassion, and presence to integrate and embody these ways of being into their clinical work. She works with doctors, psychologists, nurses, counselors, probation officers, vets and vet nurses, teachers, and social workers.

Whether it's in person in Rangiora or through national and international Zoom sessions, Kate focuses on nourishing the clinicians' well-being and upholding the integrity of their values. Her approach allows individuals from various backgrounds to benefit from this "whole person" mindfulness and self-compassion approach to supervision.

This type of supervision/mentoring is for you if:

  • You work in health/mental health/ addictions and want to support your own sustainable wellbeing and integrity of your values, doing what you love (sometimes within difficult systems and environments).

  • You are frequently being exposed to others pain, distress, and trauma in your work.

  • You experience high empathic resonance with others, anxiety and tendency to be hard on yourself and perfectionistic.

  • You already work with clients/ patients using mindfulness based interventions that you have been trained in, such as ACT and want to have a place to explore and grow these further, so they feel more natural, embodied and flexible. 

  • You want to explore and embody mindfulness and self-compassion practices by getting support for your own personal practice of these in your life, for you. Acknowledging that our clients/ patients benefit through the actual clinician’s embodiment of these ways of being. Siegel D (2010) The Mindful Therapist. 

  • You already have a mindfulness/ self compassion practice and work with clients in this way and want to explore further, deepen and look at the art and science of integrating them more.


"I have appreciated Kate's wisdom in offering a safe space to reflect on processes and dynamics at work and in cases and also, using experiential practice in supervision to guide my awareness back to the present moment, to what's alive here and in my body.

This experience of supervision with Kate has led to a significant change in how I work clinically and bringing the practices alive in my own life and relationships.  

Kate draws from a width breath of models and experience in supervision through her work as a mental health nurse, addiction specialist, MBSR trainer and teacher particularly Kate is aware of the systems we, as clinicians, work within and how they impact us personally, interpersonally and clinically. 

Kate models embodied presence and qualities of curiosity, non-judgement, warmth and compassion bringing mindfulness and compassion practices alive in this therapeutic and supervisory relationship."

Natasha Langan PhD Senior clinical psychologist, Ireland.

Workshops and courses for your team

Professional development for your team, where we come to you

An Introduction to Mindful self-compassion workshop. 

Workshop background

This workshop is based on the cutting-edge work by Dr. Kristin Neff who has pioneered research into the benefits of living with more self-compassion and co- developed the programme Mindful Self Compassion (MSC) with Dr. Chris Germer.

Kate developed this workshop from her training in MSC and MSC for health care communities, integrated with her own practice in her life and clinical work.

Kate has trained with Dr. Neff and Dr. Germer, as well as drawing on Compassion focused therapy and evolutionary physiology as described by Prof Paul Gilbert (CFT). 

Mindful self-compassion is fundamental for anyone who works with others, especially those experiencing distress. The research shows that it supports us to be sustainable in our care, prevents empathy fatigue and gives greater satisfaction in our roles.

This workshop covers...

This 4hr workshop provides the theory, science, and research findings alongside practical exercises to take away with you.

The workshop will cover the following:

  • The proven benefits, science, and physiology of self-compassion.

  • Dispelling common myths and barriers.

  • How to practice self-compassion in your life/ work.

  • Follow up resources.

  • Certificate of attendance for CPD/ CME. 

Building Resilience 5-week course

Workshop background

This course is a consolidation of Kate’s decades of group programme development and facilitation, with her extensive training, and experience at the cutting edge of positive neuroplasticity based modalities. Inspired by her years of training with Dr. Rick Hanson, Dr. Kristin Neff, and many other teachers.

During COVID lockdown she created this potent group-based training, to provide the biggest impact in the most efficient way for busy health/ caring professionals. That offered more than the bulk standard self-care and wellbeing workshop.

This workshop covers...

It provides a unique balance of the science and research alongside experiential and practical learning that provides long lasting change. While also supporting interpersonal and team culture, providing the benefits of both personal and professional development together. Acknowledging the personal and interpersonal nature of our work. 

  • Team and positive culture building. 

  • Science based practices drawing from a range of sources, something for everyone. 

  • Practice based, to support actual brain changes, not just theory. 

5 weekly 80 minute classes. 
Weekly digital resources and practice recordings. 
CPD hours and certificates. 

  • Mindfulness: the power and pleasure of being present. 

  • Developing a different relationship with the mind. 

  • Re balancing the negativity bias: from surviving to thriving. 

  • Connecting with and cultivating states that nourish us. 

  • How to be “on your own side” when things are difficult. 

  • Building connection for resilience. 

Caring for those that care for others

Kate brings her 3 decades of extensive mental health and addictions experience across the sectors

She combines this with her depth of skill and experience in mindfulness and self-compassion practices, both her own personal practice and teaching of it to others.

Together, these enable her to provide a special type of supervision, mentoring, and professional development.

“A moment of self compassion can change your entire day. A string of such moments can change the course of your life”

– Chris Garmer, Phd

Frequently asked questions

If you don't find the answers you seek below, please don't hesitate to reach out

Contact Mindful2Care today

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Thank you for your enquiry. We look forward to speaking to you soon.


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